Representative Project Experience
RCRA Corrective Action, Metal Foundry, Paramount, CA
Directed a RCRA corrective action remediation of a metal foundry in Paramount, California for Cookson, America, Inc.. The site was identified as a potential school site for the Paramount school district. Tasks included characterization of the vertical and lateral extent of contamination, removal of underground storage tanks, disposal of soil contaminated with metals and solvents, remediation of 4,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil by enhanced biodegradation, free-phase product recovery, ground-water monitoring and remediation.
Groundwater Remediation and Litigation Support, Aerospace Facility, Irvine, CA
Directed the remediation of a large trichloroethene TCE and perchloroethene (PCE) groundwater plume at a former aerospace facility in Irvine, California. Tasks included delineating the extent of the plume, installing a pump and treat extraction well system, removal of an underground storage tank, NPDES permitting, treatment of contaminated effluent by ultraviolet/peroxide purification and carbon adsorption, and treatment of 2,000 yards of contaminated soil by chemical oxidation. Developed a cost allocation model for the settlement of CERCLA claims between existing and previous landowners. Testified at court ordered mediation. Assisted our client with the recovery of all remediation costs and legal fees.
On-Going Environmental Services, Office Complex, Irvine, CA
Since 2001, EMS has provided on-going environmental technical support for a prestigious high-rise office complex located in Irvine, California (estimated value over $400 Million). Neighboring properties has contaminated groundwater underlying the site with chlorinated solvents. The potentially responsible parties’ (PRPs) for the two neighboring properties had denied responsibility for contamination underlying the site. EMS performed an extremely detailed review of the land use history of the area, subsurface hydrogeology, plume characterization, underground utilities, and industrial operations at the neighboring properties. EMS followed this evaluation with a targeted field investigation to identify contaminant migration pathways from the neighboring properties onto the site. The results of these activities were presented to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (Board) resulting in Board acknowledgement of the two PRPs in 2005 and acceleration of investigation activities at the property.
During 2006 and 2007, EMS consulted on the procurement of remediation cost cap insurance and third party liability insurance products for the site. The site owner wanted to sell an equity interest to an institutional investor. Our staff developed all the necessary environmental due diligence information, coordinated the transfer of data between the insurance broker and insurance carrier, and reviewed sample policies and draft policies during the procurement phase.
EMS continues to provide on-going environmental technical support for the new site owner. The Board has directed both PRPs to conduct remediation feasibility studies to address the groundwater contamination present on-site. EMS is currently evaluating the remediation technique selection process with regard to the impact to site operations and overall effectiveness.
Former Oil Field Remediation, Huntington Beach, CA
EMS principal directed the remediation of 240 acres of a former oil production area in Huntington Beach, California. Over 100,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated with petroleum products, arsenic, metals and reduced sulfur compounds were remediated for development of the site for residential housing. Directed the recycling, treatment and disposal of contaminated soil from leaking oil field production wells, methane and odor measurements and abatement, oil storage tanks, oil field sumps, refining facilities and buried pipelines. Assisted with regulatory compliance and permitting. Assisted in the development plans for the reuse of the former oil production facility as a future residential housing development, area parks and a golf course. Assisted client in securing an environmental “Cost Cap” insurance policy prior to the startup of remediation.
Three-Part Corrective Action Exit Strategy, Industrial Property, Milpitas, CA
Directed the analysis of potential exit strategies for a $22 M commercial development in Milpitas, California for UBS Realty Investors, Inc. The site was impaired by on-site and off-site sources of ground-water contamination. Three exit strategies were selected which included a combination of on-site remediation and insurance products in lieu of indemnifications. The property was remediated by excavation and was sold to an institutional investor for full market value.
Multiple-Source MTBE Groundwater Plume Investigations, Southern California
Directed the investigations of sites contaminated with MTBE in Santa Monica, Irvine and Los Angeles, California for various clients. Each site involved the characterization of ground-water plumes, the extent of MTBE plume migration, and the overlap of other plumes with MTBE. Forensic types of analyses were performed using numerical modeling simulations to evaluate the locations of possible sources and the time-rate-of-travel of MTBE. Results indicated the possible times when spillage of MTBE occurred at each of the sources, the volume of ground water contaminated by each source and provided a basis for cost allocation between PRPs for total remediation costs.
Environmental Financial Damage Analysis, Aerospace Facility, Southern Ca
Managed the cost accounting for economic damages caused by regional ground-water contamination for Lockheed Martin Corporation in Burbank, California. Performed and directed the financial analyses of financial statements, databases, invoices, contracts and purchase orders for the development, installation, and operation of a water treatment purification plant. Assisted in the development of financial summary documents to support the submittal of claim packages to insurance carriers.
Regional VOC Groundwater Plume, Orange County, Ca
Performed soil gas, soil and groundwater sampling and analytical services for an environmental law firm representing the Orange County Water District at over 40 sites within the OCWD North Basin area. Provided property access services, permitting services, contracting, sampling and testing services as part of the environmental expert team assembled by the law firm. The sites included past aerospace industry properties that utilized organic solvents in their manufacturing processes. The objectives of the testing program included the identification of potential sources of groundwater contamination within the OCWD North Basin area. Over 1,000 soil gas, soil and groundwater samples were collected to depths of 150 feet below the ground surface using direct-push probe, hollow-stem auger and sonic drilling methods and analyzed using mobile and stationary environmental laboratories.
DTSC Corrective Action and Land Use Restriction, Defense Contractor, San Bernardino County, CA
Performed Corrective Action Consent Agreement services for Hartwell Corporation located in San Bernardino, California. Manufacturing processes at the site impacted the subsurface with chlorinated VOCs and metals contamination. Prepared Facility Investigation and Risk Assessment Work Plans, Corrective Measures and Final Remedy Proposals, CAP Operations and Maintenance Plans and CEQA compliance documents including Community Profiles, Fact Sheets Public Notices and documents necessary for a Notice of Exemption (NOE). Performed assessments and remedial actions for metals and VOCs impacted soil. Assisted in the design and completion of a contamination containment cap (CAP) that allowed for continued facility operation without interruption. Provided Public Participation services for CEQA compliance. Assisted legal counsel in preparations and negotiations for development of a Land Use Covenant (LUC) and an Operations and Maintenance Agreement.
Dry-Cleaning Facilities Corrective Action, Southern California
Performed assessment and remediation of PCE and PCE-related VOC soil and groundwater contamination at over 30 dry-cleaning facilities in multiple shopping centers in Southern California. Much of this work was performed for The Irvine Company. Investigations included soil gas assessments and modeling of vapor intrusion human health risk using US EPA and DTSC guidelines and models. Remedial actions included source-area excavation, soil vapor extraction (SVE), multi-phase extraction (MPE) and in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO).
Permit by Rule Closures and Corrective Action, Metals Plating Facilities, Orange County, CA
Fixed Treatment Unit (FTU) Permit by Rule (PBR) closure and Corrective Action Consent Agreement facility investigation under DTSC regulation and local CUPA regulation. Chlorinated VOCs and metals contamination at one of the large metals plating facilities had impacted soil beneath the site and groundwater located at 120 feet below the site. Prepared Current Conditions Reports, Site Conceptual Models, Facility Investigation Work Plans and Facility Investigation Reports. Completed multiple investigations for impacted media including soil, soil gas and groundwater. Provided interface and negotiation support between the client and the DTSC.
ISCO Remedation, Former Drycleaners Site, Garden Grove, California
Performed multiple injections of sodium permanganate down-gradient of a former dry-cleaning facility in Garden Grove, California. Pressure injected 4,300 gallons of 10% sodium permanganate solution into 38 direct-push probe borings over three events for treatment of PCE-impacted groundwater beneath a vacant lot adjacent to the former dry cleaners site by direct chemical oxidation. Remediation performance monitoring was subsequently performed under the Orange County Health Care Agency and Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board oversight.
In-Situ Bio-Enhancement Remedation, Former Metals Plating Facility, Los Angeles, California
Performed multiple injections of HRC™ into 28 direct-push probe borings a former metals plating facility in Los Angeles, California. EST pressure injected 1,560 pounds of HRC™ into a semi-confined groundwater zone located between 25 and 35 feet for the in-situ remediation of chlorinated organic solvents including PCE and TCE. Remediation performance monitoring was subsequently performed by EST under a General Waste Discharge (WD) Permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Methane Assessment and Monitoring, Apartment Building, Long Beach, CA
An assessment identified the presence of elevated methane gas concentrations in the vadose zone beneath portions of an apartment complex that had historical use as an oil field servicing yard in Long Beach, California. In response to the findings survey, a methane monitoring plan was prepared for Honeywell Corporation to address Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board site closure requirements. This plan included specifications for, installation, operation, maintenance and monitoring of a methane gas monitoring system. The system continuously monitoring ambient air for combustible gases that may accumulate in semi-confined or confined spaces within the apartment buildings.
Litigation Support, Oil Packaging and Oil Recycling Facilities, Compton, CA
EMS is currently providing litigation support for a legal action involving an oil packaging facility located adjacent to an oil recycling facility located in Compton, California. The technical support work includes compiling a detailed land use history of the vicinity dating back to the 1920s, compiling detailed operational histories for both facilities dating back to the 1940s and 1950s, and a detailed review of subsurface investigations performed to date. EMS’ involvement also includes identifying potential additional PRPs for off-site sources of groundwater contamination, consultations with counsel regarding future site investigation activities, and estimation of potential clean up costs and allocation by PRP. EMS was able to correlate known contamination discovery with historic site operations. EMS assisted the legal teams in the development of a cost allocation model based on historic site operations, violations, and contaminant spills.
Site Assessment and Remediation, Former Aerospace Facility, Torrance, CA
EMS provided environmental investigation and remediation services for a former aerospace facility located in Torrance, California. The site was purchased by a religious organization and utilized for religious services. Investigations performed by a consultant for an up-gradient property indicated groundwater underlying the site was contaminated by both on-site and off-site sources. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issued an Imminent and Substantial Endangerment Determination and Remedial Action Order (Order) during 2008. EMS was retained to conduct remedial investigations and remedial actions for the site. Investigation activities included detailed off-site and site history review, extensive use of soil-gas surveys, soil and groundwater sampling, indoor air sampling and vapor intrusion studies. The results indicated a former degreaser utilizing perchloroethene (PCE, also referred to as tetrachloroethene) had contaminated soil, soil gas, groundwater and indoor air at the site. Indoor air sampling indicated PCE concentrations over 100 times the commercial/industrial California Human Health Screening Level (CHHSL) for indoor air. EMS installed a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system designed to also act as a sub-slab depressurization (SSD) system to inhibit soil gases from entering the building during occupancy. The SVE system was started during July 2010. Continuous operation of the SVE system had reduced indoor air PCE concentrations to nearly non-detectable levels by March 2012.
Litigation Support, Signal Hill, CA
Provided litigation support for a legal action involving remediation of an oil recycling facility located in Signal Hill, California. EMS was retained to review remediation costs for the excavation and off-site disposal of oil and PCB contaminated soil. EMS reviewed reports, manifests, invoices and other communications for disposal of over 150 manifested loads of soil. EMS confirmed that the actual weight and volume of soil disposed matched projected soil weight and volumes; however, EMS identified approximately $150,000 in excess disposal charges as a result of double-invoicing for disposal and transportation of manifested loads. EMS also identified approximately $97,000 in potential excess disposal charges as a result of disposing non-RCRA hazardous soil at a facility located 200 miles from the site rather than recycling the soil at a more local facility. EMS identified approximately $45,000 in other unsubstantiated or non-project related costs. Based on the results of EMS’ review, the case was settled prior to trial in our client’s favor.
Litigation Support, Port of Los Angeles, CA
Provided litigation support for a legal action between the U.S. EPA and a tenant of the Port of Los Angeles over a storm water permitting issue. Testified at EPA trial to the inappropriate fine assessed to our client by the EPA. Was successful in winning the case and saving our client $250,000 for inappropriate fines levied by the EPA for alleged storm water permit violations.